Can I just say I have been saying this for years and THANK YOU for saying it cause exactly?
Aerith knocks him down a few pegs too. On the way to Sector 5 because he needs it. He's acting arrogant and while she's she's joking most of the time you can tell she's bringing his ego down too. B/c this might be weird for ppl but friends don't let others get stuck in their ego.
And in Advent Children when he's stuck in his feelings again she says "Boohoo poor little me" The character's that want the best for Cloud give him a kick in the pants. This is a GOOD thing.
And people always critcize Tifa like that's bad, and now Barret too. Well Aerith does it as well. Even more so in the Japanese so...
B/c even in OG the point is Cloud was the one shutting others out.
They all see through him and help him, but it's not until he finally starts listening, as Marle tells him to that he starts realizing he doesn't need the facade to be accepted or a hero.
Then he learns he needs to let ppl in Advent Children. He can't just go it alone. It's a huge part of his development.
And I feel a lot of people ignore that. "They were so mean to him" my foot. It builds his character to be humbled and even Aerith does it.
Also he was never bullied. That was a mistranslation. He pushed other's away because he couldn't approach them. He put on a bravado, got into fights etc. It's his character. But of course he grows and learns to open up thanks to the Power Of Friendship TM and becones a true hero.
And I hate how people take Aerith's character to act like she wouldn't call out Cloud as much as Barret would, as much as Jessie did, as much as Wedge does as much as Biggs did as much as Tifa does. Like she'd just coddle him.
In Advent Children you think she wouldn't drag his a** out the door? She agreed w Tifa "Boohoo poor little me" was her original line. Barret cares about Cloud in his own way and it makes sense he wouldn't take the disrespect either. Cloud learns. It's called development.
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