Some days I sit here wondering what it would take to have regular, active engagement with folks on this site on my tweets/threads. Most days I’m extremely happy drifting through, liking things, and chatting with a few friends. Most days I’m very much satisfied with where I am.
Today, though, is one of the days where I wonder if who I am is somehow repellent to people. It isn’t a rational thing to dwell on, yet those dark thoughts creep up on me sporadically. Obscurity is often a comfortable blanket, but it can also be stifling and unpleasant at times.
I’m not saying I put stock in follower counts equating to worth or success. No... I’m saying that there are days where reaching out or making a joke seems to be consumed by the void, leaving me talking to myself when human interaction is what I need most.
Uh, I guess this thread is brought to you by Moody Teenage LiveJournal. When you need to rant, come to us?

Whatever. I hope you all are doing and feeling better than I am this evening. You’re all pretty great. Love ya!
You can follow @Aptharper.
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