1. Arkansas Diamond Comms

09/24/2020 Bank Manager Finds 9.07-Carat Diamond In Arkansas State Park

Arkansas is likely a comm for Bill Clinton's past. He was born in Ark & was its Attorney General & Governor right up until POTUS.

So, why diamonds? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/9-carat-diamond-arkansas-state-park_n_5f6d0f4bc5b64deddeeb08f0
I cover diamond comms all the time actually. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1273473461386539009 And the "past" is the key to the meaning. It's about evidence.

So, anything big announced today about Clintons + investigations?
Note just before the announcement we had this offer to buy diamonds.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1301083666928431107 Given the flipped businesses, it may well be that someone sold out the Clintons in the past month.
Note Durham started same day as Q. And related to "Harvest"
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1307383788725436416 Harvest could be the phase transition when they officially process the data long prepared.
Note Grassley Harvest updated yesterday. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1309312514103021568 After a very long time of updates on growth - we finally get to the Harvest start.
Also note if we are going to the past + Clinton. It may actually really go back to Arkansas.

Ever hear of Whitewater?

04/13/2015 Whitewater, explained for people who don't remember the Clinton presidency https://www.vox.com/2015/4/13/8397309/hillary-clinton-whitewater
It's about them getting rich thru government corruption.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1280258940840755200 Whitewater comms from Scavino.

I wrote this 3 month ago about it here.

"It's worth remembering the many people in the past with dirt on them (that may be coming back)"

Fits the current decode.
Another relevant comm I came across when I was researching this one.
https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1309299826228559872 Showing quite well that Arkansas has been used for Clinton symbolism.
Also the name of that diamond planet was 55 = clear signal comms (Note Q posts) year lasts 18 hours (post DECLAS comm)

2012 is also the date of the article Q linked about the creepy CIA data bunker underneath DIA.
I go over a bunch of evidence storing/doomsday comms related to 2010/2011/2012 in this thread. https://twitter.com/CodesUcq/status/1270071109086441472 in the end the data appears to have been secured and kept under a much stronger lock and key.

Now the timeline I go thru starts in 2010... however
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