1/Are you sleepless? Anxious? Are you overwhelmed by the avalanche of awful things 45 has said in recent weeks? Do you wonder why we are even discussing what we must do to assure "free and fair elections" and a "peaceful transition of power" if 45 loses? If so, follow me here.
2/I am outraged and speaking out and starting a list of the statements of Trump, Barr, McConnell and Graham that threaten democracy and the will of citizens. The list of past offenses is too long for a tweet, but I'll start a daily list starting now and include a few recent ones.
3/First, the one I find most awful: Trump's attack on voting, including his exhortation to "get rid of the ballots" so there won't be a transition, just a continuation of the Trump presidency. This was part of his refusal to promise a peaceful transition of power if he loses.
4/Second, is Barr and his many horrors, most recent of which is his "I and I alone am the DOJ" and that only in a Montessori preschool would line attorneys make decisions. But let's recall his Lafayette Sq, Flynn, Cohen, and Stone actions. No wonder morale is low at DOJ, but ...
5/Let's look at another of Barr's worst statements: "Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history." Or his comments on the meaning of separation of Church and State.
6/There's more, but this is long enough for now, so I'll stop for now. Follow me for more facts about what Trump, Barr, McConnell, & other enablers are doing to demolish democracy, your constitutional rights & your vote & count on me to give you hope and identify what you can do.
You can follow @JillWineBanks.
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