thread of examples of history repeating itself in modern times bc this is rly interesting to me
the all lives matter folks really like to use MLK to say “he’d be so disappointed in the looting and rioting” know what opposers of MLK said when he was protesting? they called his protests violent riots..sound familiar?
ruth bader ginsburg said that when fighting against gender inequality long ago, her biggest obstacle was people claiming the inequality didnt even exist. SOUND👏🏻FAMILIAR👏🏻??
when europeans were wiping out natives in america, forced hysterectomies were performed to stop native people from reproducing, a pretty common tactic in genocide. hitler did it too, he was inspired by the US. in case you dont know, this forced sterilization +
+is still happening in the US, recently it was found out that forced hysterectomies were being performed on women in ICE custody. SOUND FAMILIAR?????
ill add more to this thread as i find more examples, to the people who still believe america is perfectly just, protesters are violent, inequality doesnt exist, and trump isnt a psychopath, if you still believe that after reading this thread youre on the wrong side of history.
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