1. The same people who say “no laws were broken” when a black person is murdered will call abortion murder despite Roe V. Wade being “law” of the land. This moment in time has nothing to do with law vs. morality. It has everything to do with the value some place on black lives.
2. As long as a baby is in the womb, shielded by their mother’s body from the eyes of the outside world, it’s life matters because it’s color can be ignored. It’s just a baby in the most general sense of the word. Once that child’s color can be perceived, postures change.
3. What I generally see on social media are pro-life “evangelicals” who claim to value the life of the unborn but in reality they are in love w/ their own self-righteousness & they seek to display a public pseudo-piety. Thankful for the sincere who are drowned out by hypocrites.
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