Story time: I worked in management for 10 years at WFM. We'd regularly have meetings about the company's vision & direction. Before they rolled out their healthy eating initiative, we had a big meeting that featured Mackey as a speaker. My boss & I were walking into the theater
That the meeting was located in & we saw Mackey & our regional VP. We both knew the VP as a very approachable guy & he greeted us accordingly. He then introduced us to Mackey. He shook the hand of my boss, a tall & thin white man, but kind of made a face at me & didn't offer
To shake my hand. I thought it was kind of weird but I heard he was a weird guy so was like whatever. It should be noted that I was heavily pregnant at the time and am fat to begin with so I was pretty big at the time. It was during the meeting, while hearing Mackey talk about
Healthy eating and just his tone when discussing poor people & fat people, that I realized he probably didn't shake my hand/made that face at me bc of my size. The combo of being very preggo and fat maybe me look extra large and he was visibly repulsed by it.
There were other things over the years, especially concerning healthy living and employee health incentives that, in retrospect, are grossly fatphobic and anti-poor people. Honestly, fuck John Mackey & his granola & kombucha smelling ass. Don't give them your money.
Copying @dropdeadyeppeo bc she knows what the fuck is up.
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