The Rising Sun flag is often likened to the Nazi Swastika, and rightfully so. It was used as a flag of war, officially made the war flag of the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1870. The flag reminds especially Chinese and Korean people of the horrors of Japanese occupation.
What the Nazi's in Germany did to so many millions Jewish people in Europe, Japan had occupied Korea and waged war into China.

The horrors that was rained down still haunts many generations. Including mine.

Under this flag, Pearl Harbor was bombed.
The Allied (mostly American) Occupation dismantled the Imperial Army and Navy, and the Rising Sun Flag disappeared as well. Two years after the Korean War (1950-53), but Japan's Self-Defense Forces were established, and both the Naval and Army re-adopted the flag 7/13/15.
The reason why I’m bringing this up is as you can see, through revisionist history, people can erase and hide atrocities and how people/bots/trolls will deny something we can google on the history channel.

Please do your own research.
Some of this is my family’s history. Too many good people died. We should never repeat these atrocities. So you understand, look at my bio, how many friends I have. Who do you believe?
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