In one breath Trump will say the coronavirus is nothing, harming barely anyone, and that the Democrats are trying to stop a vaccine, and his brain dead base believes both and clap like seals.
I’m just so tired. I’m so tired of this. There’s no reasoning with his base, there are no Republicans that stand up to him, Democratic officials tweet about how out outrageous it is, as if they don’t have the actual job of doing something.
Justice isn’t served anymore and nobody is surprised. Sad and disappointed, but never surprised anymore. This just sucks. This is so hard.
There is video of a politician directly contradicting themselves and it doesn’t matter anymore.
Dukakis wore a helmet that made him look funny and his Presidential run was over. Howard Dean yelled an awkward “Wooo!” and his shit was over.
Words mean nothing. It’s getting harder to separate truth from bots and troll spin, and there are definitely going to be more bots spitting bullshit than humans could ever counter.
I don’t know how to tell someone how to care about someone else. I don’t know how to explain that there isn’t a finite amount of freedom or rights. Giving other people freedom, representation, and rights doesn’t take someone else’s away.
I’m just so tired of this, and this is really hard, and it really shouldn’t be.
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