Can we normalize people staying in their own lanes? Believe what you want to believe, if seeing two people together makes you happy then look at them together and be happy. Don't bash other people just because they have different beliefs. There's bigger things happening rn
Look out for your friends and help them if they're feeling down. Mental health is a serious thing and should be treated as such. Calling somebody mentally ill for being happy when two people are together isn't okay and should never be happening.
Stick to your friends, agree to disagree, and focus on the bigger world problems.
If you're having a hard time with everything going on, focus on the things and people that make you happy, even if it's a ship, nobody can fault you for your feelings ❤
+ if somebody is making you uncomfortable be it with a ship or something else, either remove yourself from the situation, or POLITELY ask them to remove themselves or take it elsewhere. If somebody asks you to do that, PLEASE RESPECT THEIR WISHES !!
The summary of this thread is TPWK
No matter who they 'ship' or who they don't 'ship'. In the end we're all people and we all deserve love and kindness so take it upon yourself to spread that, don't wait around until other people do first
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