1/ Thread: Who are your peers?

Bill Ackman was once asked what's the most influential thing Buffett has ever said.

He referred to the following Buffett quote.
2/ "If you want to be successful, look around the room and think about the classmate you most admire and what qualities they have and just decide to adopt those qualities. If you do that, your chances of being successful go up enormously."
3/ Patrick recently asked Michael Seibel how we can get better at execution.

Seibel emphasized the importance of peers/community.
4/ If I look back in my own life, I am quite amazed how my peers had always been instrumental in driving me forward.

Even though I grew up in a small city in Bangladesh, I somehow found myself in a peer group many of whom ended up in Ivy league/Oxbridge schools.
5/ None of the member from that peer group came from money.

I believe even though individually we all had pretty low odds of getting into these schools from our background, the odds improved greatly once our peer group was formed.
6/ In the age of internet/social media, the geographical boundary to find a peer group that challenges and drives us has completely evaporated.

I personally felt this once I decided to learn in public.
7/ As I continued to share my notes with my followers what I have been reading/listening, a flywheel has emerged.

The odds of finding/reading great content has increased materially as many people share with me whenever they read something interesting.
8/ Of course, social media has also made it easier more than ever to find the worst kind of community as well.

Was there ever an easier moment in the history of human civilization for the worst kind of people (think terrorists/pedophiles) to find a global "community"?
9/ If you feel you were not born in privilege, this is perhaps one way to play your hand better:

Find a set of peers in real life/internet to keep you motivated.
End/ The worst thing of being not born in privilege is the tunnel vision we potentially inflict upon ourselves.

If we find ourselves among peers who can push us forward, who cheer our highs, and support during our lows, I believe it can outweigh the damage of lack of privilege.
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