vtubers are a cool phenomenon and this is not me disparaging that... but im also freaked out by the direction things are headed on social media in terms of whose real human lives & bodies are considered remotely Presentable anymore
being able to customize & control how we’re viewed in online spaces is a rly good thing for the most part... i think capitalism is fucking that up via who gets rewarded for what and who is denied a living over it, tho
idk i love cartoons & unrealistic art & environments that are simulated specifically for the sake of being beautiful... but damn... stuff like “virtual influencers” or w/e makes me feel like, what about the ppl who are trying to get noticed w their real bodies + real environments
and more importantly, at what point does being held to unrealistic—literally cartoonish—standards become the norm in online spaces? we’re already there i think? these are half-formed thoughts but i get an Uncanny Feeling
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