okay so this thread was supposed to be about location drops but then I got carried away trying to organize when everything happened. I just scrolled through my gallery to find dates & confirmed through my followers. I also received a few images from y’all. thanks guys x
feel free to use any of this thread, it’s all factual unless stated otherwise.
anyways here’s my thoughts, they’re kinda a mess sorry
btw I won’t be including some locations- just saying london instead of a specific place in england. while I know exactly where they were taken, it’s for his privacy reasons that I don’t share. please respect that
this pic was dropped tuesday, august 4th. fan pic. location: london
eI posts this saturday, august 15th. both comments have since been deleted. eIIa’s a few hours after posting, & I believe jesobeI’s was weeks later. location: wherever she was on holiday- I believe she was alone
these pics of h were dropped sunday, august 16th. fan pics. location: bath
eI posted this to her story tuesday, august 18th. they were said to be on holiday together. I blank on where
I start looking for when the “ #LoveSong” was removed from sc. tuesday, august 18th. left to right: shortly after release, august 5th, august 18th.
this article was released saturday, august 22nd. h was spotted in bath, supposedly outside of a recording studio.
this same article discussed a different fan seeing both h & Iou in italy last year.
these were dropped monday, august 31st. fan pic. location: london
this was dropped tuesday, september 1st. fan pic. location: london
in it was a short part about Iou being in la throughout lockdown, the opposite of what we were lead to believe from eI, his family, & a singular fan picture.
next, this was dropped tuesday, september 15th. fan pic. location: london
this was dropped saturday, september 19th. fan pic. location: london
this was posted sunday, september 20th. someone took this on the street- he was unaware. location: london
this was dropped today. thursday, september 24th. fan pic. location: london
these were taken the same day, dropped at different times.
ugh I don’t even remember what the point of this was so imma just post it
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