Favorite hitchhiking stories?

1) For my parents' first date, they hitched from Reed College to a restaurant across town đź’•

She wore a hippie bridesmaid dress; he had a shirt that his mother made. First car that stopped was my dad's thesis advisor, apparently giddy with glee.
2) I hitched out of Moab on crutches, with a broken leg in a walking boot, "Salt Lake City" written on the back of my X-ray envelope. I had a pack full of climbing gear I couldn't lift. More than one Mormon practically burned rubber stopping to help me out.
3) A guy in a big white truck with a Jesus sticker picked me up hitching from Santa Cruz to SF. In Half Moon Bay: "I can give you a ride all the way to SF, but I need to stop to meet someone at a nude beach and if you are wearing clothes you'll make everyone else uncomfortable"
4) I ditched that white Jesus truck in Half Moon Bay and rode into SF in the open doorway of a linen service truck, whose driver insisted on splitting his lunch with me.
5) Hitching across New Zealand's South Island at 18, nearly every driver insisted on a detour to show me the sights. They bought lunches, offered couches, and always drove me right to the trailhead
6) A cop stopped just outside of Desolation Wilderness, where we were hitching back to our car. Offered us a ride. Cool, right? Wouldn't let us back *out* of the cruiser until he'd run our IDs and plates, and hassled us for being married with different last names.
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