A few weeks ago I learned about this software (apparently Mormons know the one) that edits movies & tv shows to remove scenes with excessive violence, profanity, nudity etc. I mean like, they do it for all sorts of things and my husband told me about this time watching [. . .]
the R-rated movie Borat and it was only 15 minutes long. @GingaBreadSSB
I bring this up because my brother-in-law was discussing how he watched The Witcher and I was appalled because it basically ruins the art that what people worked damn hard on.
It got my thinking about if I ever write something that is published (short fiction, novel, film) how horrendous it would fee to have people cut sections out of your story and design. Because every element is to thoughtfully added and detailed to work with the piece as a whole.
At least at the end of the day, those people get no opinions in my book to judge what they’ve seen. It’s like reading 50% of a book, at random intervals (usually with the most shocking, and generally interesting, bits removed). Unbelievable.
In reality, I really just see it as kinda funny and ridiculous to say the least.
Anyways, I’m creating a thread (I NEVER do this on Twitter anymore) and ranting about something random because my puppy dog had to get surgery today and we’re waiting for lab results on what she has. Send good vibes, and thank your local artists.
P.S. the typos in this thread are also horrendous and I’m going to blame it on my anxiety 😂
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