In my senior year at CSUS, we were studying various political systems and the principles that undergird those systems. Dr. Thompson emphasized that totalitarian systems, specifically communism, sounded very seductive because they co-opted language that was a far cry from what
the systems actually did. He said that with the right words, totalitarian leaders believed that they could convince the populace that up is really down and equal is really unequal. Nothing is what it might appear in totalitarian regimes. Over the past 24 years, in 10 campaigns,
I have found that nothing is truer than this. In America, with each passing day, we see evidence that progressive philosophy has the disturbing tendency toward expansive government and the abuse of commonly accepted meanings about words. Prop 16 is a classic example. To them,
giving the gov’t the ability to discriminate ensures “equal opportunity.” In the next roughly five weeks, we must inform our fellow Californians to be aware of what is occurring. In years past, “White Supremacy” meant laws that explicitly excluded “the Negro” from enjoying the
full measure of American liberty. To this group of progressives, White Supremacy is not what is said or done but what people “look like.” When asked for evidence of white supremacy, I was recently told that the President is White, the Speaker is White, etc. By their identity or
skin color shall we know them should never become accepted in this nation. Prop 16 takes us to this dreadful vision of CA. We need look no further than the 2020 Ballot Argument, in which Prop 16 proponents argue that “white men are still overrepresented in positions of wealth
and power in CA. They continue by stating that contracts and jobs go to large companies “run by older white men.” This language is not evidence of white supremacy, but I suggest that it IS evidence of a dark and offensive vision for CA. They seem to imply that the time has come
for a regime change. As a “Black” man, I would not find sympathy for a statement that bemoans companies “run by older black men,” as an example. This is pejorative. In the days ahead we are likely to see more of this. As of now, polling suggests that Prop 16 is losing. They
have a large group of progressive, very wealthy donors who are part of the far-left political machine in CA. Some feel guilty, it seems, for their own success, and want to be part of the BLM-inspired racial justice movement. They are misguided. To prevail, their team will go on
tv, starting next week, according to our research, and they will do everything possible to close the gap. If history is a guide, they will try to create a scenario in which it isn’t safe for a Black person to be on the streets of CA, because of racism. During 209, they used
images of the KKK and burning churches and engage in guilt by association. So, beware of their tactics and join the fight by helping us to close the funding gap and donating to Californians for Equal Rights. This is a national fight and CFER needs your help. /end
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