This thread reared its head again. I miss having the energy and the capacity to get do stuff like this. I took real time off the last 2 days, it's made me realise how utterly broken I've become. Living precariously, diluted across too many things, the desperate state of academia.
The mound of external and internalised pressures of being a junior 'academic', constantly fighting for my own sense of self in a system which is decaying, whilst trying to navigate a saturated field that I can't keep up in.
I'm not entirely sure what the point of this thread was. Maybe just a rant, or getting it off my chest. But the relationship I have created with academia has kicked the shit out of me, and it's taken way too long to realise it
I used to find my work obsession funny, now I'm realising how stupid it is and what I've lost because of it. I've slept on floors, sofas, offices, hours from home to build a career in an industry that I question if i want to be in anymore, or if I'm even capable of existing in it
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