Let's talk about this... https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1309230677162954752
They knew Flynn was innocent - even of FARA violations - yet they called him a traitor and drummed up fake charges to ruin his life.

He was a democrat, picked by Obama to run the DIA, a war hero -- and yet they set him up and tried to destroy not just him but his entire family.
If that's how they treat members of their own, what limits do you think they have against those outside their tribe?

This was dirty. As dirty as it gets. And this is just a drop in the bucket!

It was always a coup. Every step of the way. They lied to the American people...
They concocted a phony scandal that was 3 parts projection and 1 part tin-foil-hat-crazy, mixed it up into a toxic yet addictive cocktail of scandal and drama, and then asked their cut-outs in the legacy media to serve it to the American people 24/7.
This was done not because they believed Donald Trump or Michael Flynn were working with Russia, or that either were a threat to our national security.

This was done because the American people elected someone they did not approve.
This wasn't just a crime committed against Trump or Flynn or their families. It was an attempt to subvert the will of the People in favor of the unelected "establishment".

Yet 67% of democrats believe this lie in full to this very day.
That's the power of conditioning and the mass media.

We have all been subjected to the biggest information-warfare operation ever run against the American public by its own intelligence services.

Some became digital soldiers in response. Others succumbed to the big lie.
These people who still believe the fiction aren't informed, they're programmed. Literally.

And now it's been three years and trying to break through that programming causes cognitive dissonance (pain) which makes them unhinged and unwilling to even consider the evidence.
As Twain said, "It's easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled."

Hence our current bifurcated reality -- which is incredibly dangerous. No matter how this breaks.
People must be held accountable, or else the whole American experiment runs the risk of coming undone.

And while most of us aren't in the position to bring indictments ourselves, we all can vote to make sure this does not get swept under the rug.

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