It’s been a trying week in a trying year. The passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been a shock and painful loss for our country and legal community. We find ourselves once again in the battle of our lives to preserve the ideals Justice Ginsburg spent her life’s work...
...defending. And yet, we were already in a battle. A battle to dismantle systematic racism and to end the continued violence by police against Black people. On Monday, we took a hard blow as it was announced that the trooper who murdered Dion Johnson would not face any...
...criminal charges and then yesterday, when we learned that the officers who murdered Breonna Taylor would also not be held accountable for the shots that killed her. Black communities and the families of Dion and Breonna asked for justice and received none. Both of these...
...rulings serve as devastating reminders that racism permeates every structure in our society and that law enforcement and our states are deeply invested in the denial of justice for such violence.

Chris Love, our PPAA board chair, has these words to share:
“Black communities in Phoenix, Louisville, and all across the country are devastated that the police officers responsible for the murders of Dion Johnson, Breonna Taylor, and countless others will not be held accountable. However, we have always understood that our justice...
...system is anything but just for Black, indigenous and people of color. With the national outcry around police violence, the past 6 months have taught us it is well past time for change.
Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona asked its endorsed candidates... refuse or donate campaign contributions made by law enforcement organizations because these groups exist to block all efforts designed to hold police accountable. Make no mistake, police violence is a reproductive health and justice issue. With the news of this week,...
...PPAA is further committed to holding our representatives accountable and ensuring that all of our patients can make their reproductive choices without fear of police violence.”
The outpouring of grief and righteous rage still carries on for the murder of George Floyd,...
...Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Dion Johnson, and countless others. We must continue the fight to dismantle systematic racism by showing up for Black communities and by following Black-led organizations.
We encourage you to join us in supporting the #BlackLivesMatter ...
...Movement by following these Black-led organizations (below) that provide actions, events, resources and education. You can also take immediate action by donating funds that provide support for Black and Brown individuals being targeted and enslaved by the criminal justice...
...system, such as the Black People’s Justice Fund ( ) and the Louisville Community Bail Fund ( )
Below are other national and locally based organizations that support Black lives as well as Reproductive Justice, which includes the...
...right to parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities.

*Please continue reading the thread.

In Solidarity,
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona
You can follow @ppazaction.
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