Remember when I tweeted this image back in June, 2018?

It shows one of the configuration files used by "Ripon", the software Ted Cruz's presidential campaign paid Cambridge Analytica millions of $ to make (CA then sub-contracted the actual development work to AggregateIQ).
The red underline part with the arrow shows that one of the segment category options which voters could be categorized under is titled "Disengagement Target".

Christopher Wylie testified before members of the US Senate that "disengagement" means "voter suppression" in CA's work.
When asked specifically about the "Disengagement Target" label by Canadian Parliament's Ethics Committee, AggregateIQ's CEO and CFO claimed it was nothing nefarious. The pair of AIQ execs said the label merely indicated a voter the campaign no longer wanted to interact with.
Today, however, the UK government published an announcement stating the previous head of Cambridge Analytica, Alexander Nix, has been banned from operating companies in the UK for 7 years due to CA's shady dealings and untoward activity.
Specifically mentioned within the list of wrongful acts he is accused of (and which he is not contesting):

-"voter disengagement campaigns"

Further evidence of AggregateIQ's "Disengagement Targets" being more than a neutral and innocuous category. It was, and is, sinister.
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