So... you want to apologize on twitter: A Thread
First off, Twitter can be a hellhole and your words can go everywhere. Learning how and when to apologize is something everyone needs to learn before they need it. Apologizing is a skill.
You don't get kudos for apologizing. The person you are speaking to does not owe you an acceptance, much less a "thank you"
You are apologizing because something you did or caused was not good.
1. Express remorse.
You HAVE to say the words "I am sorry" or "I apologize" - if you haven't it's not an apology. full stop.
2. Admit responsibility
This is NOT explaining what happened. That's not an apology. Here, you are saying that you know that you did something wrong and that your actions caused harm. That you are the one culpable of something you did (intentional or otherwise)
3. Make amends
Offer the person ways that you might be able to help make up for your actions, or at least begin to. They are NOT required to take you up on this. This is you showing that you understand more effort is needed than just a "sorry"
4. Promise it won't happen again
Clearly explain how you will WORK to ensure this same mistake/action won't occur again. What follow-through will there be? What will the repercussions be if this happens again?
Lastly, NO EXCUSES. None. It's difficult, but excuses do not belong in an apology. You are admitting and apologizing for something. That's it. You have your reasons, but those don't matter here
We will never be perfect at all of these things, because apologizing is hard. But saying sorry is a required skill for being an adult, and doing so tactifully can save you and others a lot of pain.
You can follow @SusannaLHarris.
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