Thread. As many of you know, my Mom had been suffering with Alzheimers. It’s been a long and difficult journey. One I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but she was released from her suffering and passed away last week. I had prayed I could be with her as she passed /1
God granted me that prayer. She was in Memory care. I was w/ her for 3 days before she passed, loving on her, praying, and crying it out.I held her as she took her last breath. She was a wonderful mother and person. My heart is broken 💔/2
I will be forever grateful that the state of Mississippi allowed loved ones to be there at the end. They allowed me to be w/ her when she had been in the hospital. They allowed outside visits a few months ago. Those states that are denying loved ones to be there are monstrous /3
I am on a FB page where I see the despair of those not allowed to see their loved ones as they say goodbye to this world. It’s inhumane. I wore PPE & didn’t leave her room except to leave. The states or facilities that don’t allow this should have leadership replaced./4
This is like a silent agony for so many. Too distraught to know how to fight it. Parents & others are dying alone & frightened and it needs to stop now. In nursing homes & in hospitals. If a cleaning crew can go in everyday, then loved ones should be able to as well. /5
God bless all of you still on this difficult journey. Raise your voice. Vote. /end
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