Julie and the Phantoms: A musically gifted young woman's life changes forever when she finds three dead himbos in her family's garage.
Excuse me, MAGICAL dead himbos.
The dead himbos are:

1. Nice Bad Boy
2. Gay Zach Morris
3. Christian Slater's Wholesome Little Cousin
It's a very wholesome show. There is a cringe-inducing moment early on involving the word "woke" being thrown around but then the actual punchline is that the white guy (who has been dead since like 1995) has absolutely no idea what it means.
I'm not qualified to weigh in on the tropiness of the Black Best Friend but she's by far the best character in a show full of good ones. I hope the fact that she has rainbows in basically every outfit pays off in the second season for some living queer rep.
Usually it's a bad thing if a show introduces a gay character and then kills him off in the opening but, you know. Premise. It doesn't stop him from having a romance arc with Booboo Stewart.
This is on @Netflix, by the way, if anybody is wondering where to watch. It's a kids' show and it feels like a kids' show. Big Disney Channel Original energy. We watched it in three nights while looking for something light and fun.
Yes, in response to a comment from a locked mutual - this is real actual show I am describing. It's a remake/adaptation of a Brazilian TV show, Julie e os Fantasmas.
I would say it's a fun way to spend 3 hours and change during the spooky season.
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