
- competitive
- always at a party, i’m praying for your liver
- cant win arguments against them
- so smart
- can put your mind to anything
- sometimes just wants to be babied
- very flirty

- stubborn as hell omfg
- has a small group of friends who you’re very loyal to
- a whole different person when mad
- trustworthy & reliable
- looks intimidating but is a softie
- humour is *chefs kiss*
- good huggers
- attractive
- very chill

- either really loud or really quiet
- overthinks every minor thing
- can read people like a book
- super friendly
- falls in love way too quickly
- witty & sarcastic
- aggressive when angry
- needs to think before speaking
- will tell you if they hate you
- playful

- bitchy
- very self centred
- thinks they’re always right but they’re not
- never listens to the advice they’re given
- full of childhood trauma
- abandonment issues
- not that reliable
- gives the worst advice
- fakes something to try and fit in with others

- arrogant
- kinda boring
- attention seekers
- natural givers
- yall are just the worst i’m sorry

- good listeners
- intelligent
- wants the ppl they love to be happy
- very caring
- kinda overworks themselves
- won’t talk behind others backs
- looks soft, is soft
- can be mean if they want to

- very secretive
- acts tough but is a softie
- a really bad temper
- good sense of humour
- indecisive
- can make friends with anyone
- gets away with anything
- is the favourite child
- wants to be loved but doesn’t show it

- passionate
- independent
- very fake and two faced
- thinks everything revolves around them
- back stabbers
- has a hard time opening up
- doesn’t let anyone see them cry
- holds grudges

- academically successful
- very high standards
- confident
- fun to party with
- bold
- bad taste in music
- yall are so pretty

- why are yall so mean
- manipulative
- way too serious about everything
- the toxic one in a relationship
- let’s their emotions control them
- cries as soon as someone puts them in their place

- severe anger issues
- also manipulative
- can be very loving
- would probably die for someone
- stop shouting at everything
- hypercritical

- super loud
- really energetic can yall please calm down
- stop crying
- no self control
- easygoing
- loves to give hugs
- yall just want to be loved
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