Fleabag as the acute medicine consultant, a thread
When the medical director tells you about a patient that "absolutely must be admitted"
When the patient actually tells you their story about the problem
When ED informs you that you will be datixed for today's breaches
When no one laughs at your joke at grand rounds
When you're about to discharge a patient but discover a D-dimer had been sent for no reason
When you talk to urology about the patient with the kidney stone that's somehow ended up on AAU
When the urologist tells you they'll take over the patient
When the professor of highly complex Medicine comes with his registrar
When you're asked why don't YOU try to do the lumbar puncture
When the patient you're post taking suddenly vomits a litre of blood
When neuro diagnoses something rare that you've suspected but didn't write down because it's so rare
When someone asks "You don't fancy doing the weekend as well do you?"
When you walk into handover at 09:10 and it hasn't started yet
When the critical care consultant arrives just a teensy bit too late
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