First thing I’ve learned working cannabis retail:

Pre-rolls are way, way, WAY more popular than I could have ever predicted.

There a huge demo of people that smoke PRJs every day, several times a day.

The highest THC / lowest price equation is still strong in this category.
Redees from Redecan, Unplug + Renew from Solei, Ignite and RIFF are currently doing a good job with the THC/price equation, leading customers to buy those ones continuously.

I’ve been suggesting @SimplyBareOrgnc PRJs and shifting the convo to flavour/terps over THC.
The biggest problem and complaint we get around Pre-Rolls are that a large number of them stop burning half way through - they are either rolled too tight or get too resinous. Even the best PRJs from Qwest, Simply Bare, etc run into this problem.
Pre-rolls are also a great reminder that the average cannabis consumer does not understand the legal regulations.

They think we roll the joints, they don’t understand why some come in 3 packs and we can’t just take one out and sell it, etc.

“But my old dispensary used to...”
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