Flicker came back to the nest box for a midday visit... and made some CHANGES
The flicker decided to redo the nest box opening. Sharp edges are OUT this season
I know it got at least this far in changing the nest box opening but I have no idea how much more it did because of its next alteration...
The flicker has figured out how to reposition the camera. I’m lucky it decided to frame itself rather than turn the camera to the wall.
Something just attacked the flicker in its nest!!!

First sign I had was of a second beak poking in the nest box hole, and then a vigorous scuffle. Here’s the best shot I got of the interloper - maybe another flicker?
The flicker is apparently ok after its attack, but it is JUMPY. Keeps going to the entrance hole than hopping down, then back up.
After its attack by a possible other flicker, the flicker has settled down to sleep... in a DIFFERENT CORNER!

95% of the time it sleeps with its beak in the lower right corner. Is this the original flicker? Or the other one?? Things were moving fast; it was hard to keep track.
Pre-fight flicker and post-fight flicker. Are they the same bird??

The black and white one is taken with IR illumination, which may confuse the matter somewhat.
It seems @PreenMachine may be right - another flicker of a different subspecies showed up, started remodeling and moving the camera around, then was swiftly ejected when the original flicker came home.

The gall. https://twitter.com/preenmachine/status/1309334071055544320
The Flicker Original Flavor spent a restless night, getting up frequently to check for the intruder, finally settling down into its favorite lower right corner. Took off around dawn so now we will see who shows up
The flicker came back suddenly pursued by TWO other flickers. Original Flicker (red mustache, no crescent) defended the door, yelling and ruffling, then left. Now there are two in the tree outside, and one of them has no mustache.

There is a third flicker in play.
The drama intensifies! Just moments after I saw Red Mustache No Crescent drumming on a neighbor's chimney, another flicker showed up at the nest box.

It's the third flicker - No Mustache No Crescent! A female red-shafted?
A flicker showed up again midday, but this time it’s the Original Flavor flicker. Probably wanted to be around in case Red Baron (red mustache and crescent ) came back.
Original Flavor flicker came back in the evening.

It seems to be a commuter bird - leaves shortly after sunrise, occasionally comes back at lunchtime, then comes back to sleep in the evening.
Original Flicker is back in the nest box after a hard day of flickering.

Someone showed up midmorning but just poked their beak in tentatively so I never saw who it was
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