Four presidential candidates. Guess which one became the church's idol?

No matter how many thinkpieces I read about this, I will never fully comprehend it.
Like, the ability to be endlessly cynical somehow dissipated upon arrival of the pussy-grabbing, womanizing, teen-girl-beauty-pageant-hosting, violence-loving, porn-star-hush-money narcissist.
You can’t spend decades crowing about how you’re basically “God’s political party”, pull *this* absolute heel turn, and then have the audacity to suggest that the left’s uneasy relationship with faith is a stand-alone occurrence that threatens the existence of God.
I’ve wrestled more with my beliefs over the last four years than ever before in my life. I’ve had many friends leave the faith.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that the GOP’s heel-turn to Trumpism has been a factor in 100% of those.

If the fearmongers running the GOP are genuinely concerned about the future of Christianity (spoiler: they’re not, beyond the unified voting bloc it provides), the move is not to vilify the left.

The move is to practice what they preach, to care for the poor and marginalized.
This is not to be glassy-eyed about the Dems. The GOP isn’t the only one that panders, and healthy cynicism is the right move across the board. But the church’s abusive relationship with the GOP exceptionally toxic, and I (genuinely) pray that they find liberation.
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