There's no use in hiding behind euphemisms. Trump is planning a coup. We know this, because he keeps talking about it. The good news is that we no longer have to waste time trying to persuade people of this — we can just quote Trump directly.
There's a reason that most attempted coups are conducted in secret. Pulling off a coup is hard! (At least half of efforts fail.) You need that advantage of surprise, but Trump, ever the narcissistic idiot, gave that up. Now it's on us to believe who he has shown himself to be.
One reason that it's hard to get pundits to see what's right under their noses, that Trump is trying to steal this election, is their entire careers are built around certain assumptions about how things work that Trump has torn apart.
But again, there's good news here! Trump's motormouth boxes people who would rather live in denial into a corner. It's really hard to pretend he's not trying to steal the election when he goes on TV and outlines his plans to steal the election.
It's wild that I'm telling you that we're facing down an attempted coup, but also to be optimistic. But there's a good reason! People in other countries have defeated far savvier efforts to steal their democracy. We can deal with this idiot — we just have to fight.
Starting to see that many people don't understand what a coup is. They imagine tanks in the street when they hear that word. And while that is one form of coup, it's not the only one. Coups are often done the way Trump intends to, by manipulating power to steal an election.
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