It's an alternative meant to taste like eggs, don't like it then don't buy it - simple. Some people buy these not because they're vegan but because they have a sensitivity to it etc. I'm lactose-intolerant so I buy alternative dairy products because I miss the taste of cheese. /1
I know it's like, a quirky uwu thing to mock vegans and vegan alternatives and believe me, I understand because there's a lot of holier-than-thou vegans out there but I'm getting real tired of people demonizing the products as a whole. I'm not vegan, but I have to eat like one /2
if I want to eat anything dairy related. The people in this thread keep freaking out about soy too like it's something evil; it's in SO many foods that I'm sure there's a few dishes they love that has it too🙄I know this isn't a big deal, but it's really annoying LOL.
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