After reading more and listening to audio explaining exactly what happened with those arrests in Moscow, Idaho, I don't believe that situation is analogous to the fights for religious liberty that so many other pastors have fought across the country. Here's why. Thread.
There have been unconstitutional restrictions on public worship for months in states like CA. But Idaho has been allowing in-person church since May 1.
So the Moscow protest was not over freedom of religion. It was over a mask/social distancing order.
I've been vocal in supporting pastors who protested church closures, esp. given Leftist hypocrisy over the BLM protests. I also think it's fine to object to local officials about mask mandates. But what's the biblical reason to openly defy a mask order w/an end date?
Per local media (link in next tweet), five Christians were cited. Two were arrested "for suspicion of resisting or obstructing an officer." One was arrested for "refusing to identify himself to police." If those citation descriptions are accurate, then the citations were valid.
One person said, "They're arresting people for singing 'Amazing Grace!'" No, they weren't. And I saw one Christian repeatedly using profanity when speaking to cops & heard other Christians there laugh and agree. That is not a godly witness for Jesus Christ. It's wrong.
I hate masks, too. And Christians CAN protest mask mandates. Go to the city council. Fine. But what I saw in Moscow was not "Christian persecution." Just be glad you can praise God in church, bc in places like California, people have to sue just to get into their sanctuaries!
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