1. We are constantly told we live in a pervasively racist country, yet (1) the media disproportionately cover police shootings of POCs; (2) the media ignore trivial facts about crime disparities; (3) the greatest thought crime is saying something negative about POCs.
2. (4) Universities and other institutions give preferential treatment to POCs; (5) media depictions of criminals are hugely disproportionate such that whites are overrepresented and POCs are underrepresented; (6) Calm conversations about population differences are verboten.
3. (7) people who claim that the country is pervasively racist are some of the fulsomely celebrated, writing best sellers and making loads of money; (8) people who argue against race-based preferences are often called racist *for opposing racism.*
4. (9) some non-white groups are more successful in many ways (e.g., income) than whites; (10) some non-white groups are less likely to be shot by the police than whites; (11) after controlling for relevant variables, most outcome disparities disappear or shrink significantly.
5. (12) however, it's almost impossible to forward such analyses because people will howl in rage at you simply for forwarding them; (13) everybody is expected to promote a diversity is great slogan, which is primarily about racial diversity....and is our country's sacred value.
6. This list undoubtedly could go on. And people could raise reasonable objections, and we could have a reasonable debate. But that's not what happens. The media instead incessantly promulgate a "this country is racist" messages, which lead to riots and distrust and skepticism.
7. And any attempt to counter the narrative is greeted with hostility...possibly even the loss of employment. Imagine that?! We live in a pervasively racist society in which merely suggesting that we aren't pervasively racist because X, Y, Z can get one fired! The irony is rich.
8. Now, do I think that some individuals are grotesquely racist? Absolutely. Do I think that the United States treated blacks heinously in the past? Absolutely. Do we need to be vigilant about racial justice? Absolutely? Do I think the US is pervasively racist? Absolutely not.
9. But that's not the important point. The important point is that we need to have smarter conversations about this. And we need to stop elevating racial hucksters and charlatans and their divisive and erroneous narratives. The future of the country depends upon it.
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