if you are uncomfortable with the addition of a black and brown stripe to the rainbow pride flag, which was added for inclusivity since black and brown people have been excluded from lgbt spaces for DECADES, then explain it to me without sounding racist. quickly.
if you honestly think this new flag implies that the og rainbow pride flag is exclusive then you know what you’re absolutely right which is why it’s needed. you’re really naive if you honestly think the lgbt community has been a safe space for bipoc, it’s STILL not a safe space
despite bipoc, black lgbt especially, making most of the contributions they/we are still left out of activism and spaces and then you white lgbt have the audacity to ask “why not share, it’s open to all” when YOU are the ones who excluded us in the first place-
-to the point we had to make our own spaces. y’all don’t know the history and it shows. and y’all are too dense to realize white lgbt continues to exclude, discredit, and steal from bipoc in the community, black lgbt especially, and have been doing so for the past few decades.
white lgbts are just as racist as white cishets. and bipoc in the community are even more at risk for violence and you know it. we are far from lgbt inclusivity and i will not let some white 20 year old uncomfortable with the addition of two (2) more stripes tell me otherwise
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