. @realDonaldTrump is a disgrace to our country and to the office of the #Presidency. He has endangered our security internationally by undermining relationships with our allies and aligning with our enemies. We are laughed at overseas and, more concerning, our allies (1/7)
don’t share intelligence with us in the way they once did. Russia and China are rushing to fill the void we are creating by retreating from our international alliances, which means America loses. Trump has endangered us domestically by ignoring laws and promoting violence. (2/7)
He has even endangered our troops overseas by ignoring Russia's acts of violence against our military. With his lies about the seriousness of #Covid he has cost tens of thousands of lives & made our economic recovery much more difficult. 200,000 lives lost should matter to him.(3
Now he threatens our very foundation by refusing to say whether he will accept the outcome of #Election2020 . With absolutely no facts to back up his charges of rigged elections, Trump is doing all that he can to rig this election in his favor. From ignoring the very real (4/7)
intelligence of Russian interference in this election, to starving the #PostOffice of the resources necessary to deliver ballots on time to claiming that mail-in ballots should be stopped, he is a man who ignores law & order. He is actively sending signals to his supporters (5/7)
to get violent should he lose the election. Any #Republican who does not call on the President to state unequivocally that he will accept the outcome of this election should be removed from office. Blind obedience to Trump makes Republicans in positions to rein him in just (6/7)
as guilty. Ours was a party founded on deep respect for the rule of law & the constitution. Trump is a disgrace and so are those Republicans who took an oath of office to uphold the constitution & protect us from threats foreign or domestic. #votehimout #democracy (7/7)
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