What’s happened happened. That’s an expression of faith to the mechanics of the world. Not an excuse to do nothing.
This is a direct quote from the movie “Tenet” (no spoilers here). Which triggered a very fascinating discussion on determinism vs free will
The only way to determine if we have free will or not is to A/B test. Have X number of parallel universes with the same variables and observe if there are any difference in outcome after Y time.
Since our scope of knowledge is only limited to this universe we are in, we are unable to validate this, consequently the free will vs determinism debate is inconclusive/unknowable.
To flip the quote from Tenet at the beginning of this thread from looking at things retrospectively to forwards. We can then say, what will happen will happen, but it’s not an excuse to sit around and do nothing.
Perhaps we are pre-determined to believe we have the power to change things, so we do. And whether that is because of our free will or predetermined becomes irrelevant.
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