Trials on pc last weekend.
It was actually the lowest population (not counting stadia)
It really says something regarding about cheaters specifically.

To those who are still doing trials helps on pc. I pray for your sanity, I can understand how it feels to play against cheaters
I have seen cheaters getting booted. But not all of them. I’m not going to go in full detail Bcz you know “drama”

However, can’t imagine how hard it must be for bungie about taking care of cheaters.
Even when they get all of that criticism im guessing everyday.
I still appreciate the game as a whole plus im heavily excited for Beyond light.
it’s looking good like forsaken.

As I want to mention once more.
Regardless the state it’s in,
Destiny as a whole will always be my home.
Many friendships were made, great memories.
I refuse to throw it all away.
To those who are doing raid helps, Trials helps and GM helps.
You are doing the community it’s favor.
Wish I have that energy to do it.

But secretly I’ve been doing my own thing.
Side note: if you’re not enjoying the game currently.
1. Take a break
2. Walk with your feet and try another game if you’re looking for something to game.

I’m just saying
My apologies on this thread.
But this is how I feel right now.
It’s easy not to be a dickhead.
You can follow @Im_mudkip.
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