A thread about The Sims 3 Into the Future, to show how underrated this expansion pack is:
At the start of a new game Emit Relevart visits you to let you know about the portal. After you do some quests for him you can enter the portal and travel to the future.
Welcome to the future: Oasis Landing a beatiful new futuristic world!
The way to change the future: You need to do some quests in the present for changing the future the way you want.
The dystopian future: A world with meteor showers and trash everywhere!
You can eat butterflies and other insects in the dystopian future.
The utopian future! Rainbows everywhere and everyone love each other! Isn't that crazy?
Love is literally everywhere! You can even hug yourself to spread love and peace.
Giant flowers around the world!
Now take a look to the crazy things you can do with a jet pack:
You can even dance with the jet pack.
The question is: How do we move around Oasis Landing? Many different ways to do it.
Oh Plumbots! Our best friends in the future:
They can charge themselves on a station or take power from different objects.
Not only Plumbots! We have cute little Hologram pets we can talk, play and feed to with nanomachines we can create ourselves.
A statue park? How nice we can get our own statue in Oasis Landing for different things we do either in the future or the present.
You think that's all? No, we have stores in Oasis Landing where we can buy futuristic clothes and objects!
And I didn't mention the restaurant owned by Plumbots.
Take a look how beautiful the futuristic cemetery is!
And to finish with, we have the wasteland: A place full of mysteries...
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