1. All these Leftists who refuse facts and refuse to wake up are only making the cognitive dissonance that will happen later when their lying masters are removed and the control mechanisms are no longer there to tell them what to think...
2. They will be left with no propaganda to cling to, no fake news to wave around as the holy scripture. They will be left with the realization that they actually were on the wrong side. That they actually did defend pure evil...
3. They will see their heroes were compromised by blackmail involving pedophilia, cannibalism, and drug trade. That our political system was infiltrated by evil psychopaths who then surrounded themselves with more psychopaths to quietly carry out global crimes
4. They will see central banks took over the world by dooming each country to eternal debt and that capitalism as we have it isn't pure because the world economy was controlled. There is more debt than assets that exist, and that was the plan. It can't be paid back.
5. They will see Rockefeller created Big Pharma and replaced holistic medicine that worked because it is more profitable to treat an ailment than cure it, especially if the treatment causes other ailments that need treatment. It was another mechanism of control.
6. They will see that cures and technology that could benefit all of humanity was constantly shut down or confiscated to keep humanity from ever truly advancing. All advancements were timed and controlled. What you see and buy today was mostly an invention from 20 years ago
7. They will see that most religions were created and used as control mechanisms. They were an excuse to curate morals and actions, divide populations, and provide a basis for carrying out war and violence even though at the core, each religion is built on the same foundation
8. They will see movies, TV, News, Music, and Sports were pushed and curated to distract and control the population. A means to guide the populations world view away from the truth
9. They will see how education systems were swallowed by federal governments to be curated and controlled to alter our children into good workers and tax slaves, and to never question the narrative. Much like a farmer tending to crops.
10. They will see how the US military was used as the enforcer of globalist doctrine, and those who tried to resist were then framed and crushed by the US military, which also produced war profits. All of our wars were planned and controlled.
11. They will see how identity politics was used to distract and divide humanity. Divide by race, gender, sexuality, religion, status. They could turn us against each other any time they needed us to stop looking at their crimes.
12. They will see that they were fooled, and it will destroy their ego. They are compassionate people who had their big hearts hijacked and manipulated into supporting the most heinous and evil organization this world has ever seen.
13. It is going to be difficult to help them, they have come this far and been so deeply conditioned. Stockholm syndrome may kick in as they fear being left on their own with their own thoughts that they never had to develop for themselves before.
14. Have patience with them. Have compassion. They deserve to be welcomed into humanity after this is over. After the controls fail. A humanity that does not care about race, sexuality, religion, etc. Our differences dont matter, but our similarities and love for each other do.
15. They have never felt welcomed or accepted for who they are. They have been controlled and bombarded every day of their life with fear, hatred, and conflict. Be the soft place for them to land.
16. In the end, humanity WILL unite and find love and peace with each other. The veil of oblivion WILL be lifted and all the petty negative frequencies we were addicted to will fall away. We can not just leave those behind who failed to wake on their own.
17. Love. It is the only thing that can save humanity. We are at the precipice. I understand no one is responsible for caring for these lost ones, for taking them to the door of truth...but you CAN choose to be their Light, and I hope enough of you do choose.
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