When I say invest in yourself I truly mean it! You don’t have to spend a lot of money but do spend some to keep up your appearance. Things I recommend buying to improve your appearance! A thread!
Skincare pt 1: I’m big on skincare but I no longer follow those extensive 12 step routines. If you normally have decent skin that is not required. All you need is a cleanser, toner, moisturizer and sunscreen. The occasional exfoliation is fine! Drug store buys:
Skincare pt2: Some of my favorite skincare products that I use for when my skin is acting up. For background I have dry to combo skin. I don’t use any of these all the time though.
Skincare pt3: My favorite Korean skincare products!! I love these because they’re all so moisturizing for the winter months (when my skin is the dryest) some of these products are expensive but like I said...an investment. Keep in mind I’m a skincare junky and this is extra lol.
Body Care pt1: I’ve been moving to more natural products for my body because of the environment and I just feel like it’s better lol. I love Dr. Bronner’s soap in bar form to prevent plastic waste but dove is pretty good as well.
Body Care pt2: Hair removal! I use Glee razors because it’s so good...and I haven’t cut up my legs with it! I also use Tree Hut Body Scrubs after to reduce strawberry legs and cream hair remover for my face. And witch hazel after to prevent irritation.
Dental hygiene: It’s very simple, get your regularly scheduled cleanings but also...try out some natural toothpastes and mouthwashes. Also I know this those plastic tooth picks aren’t good for the environment but they’re so easy to carry around.
Hair Care: I don’t really have an extensive hair care regimen because I have locs and my hair doesn’t require much. I also put a tiny bit of wild growth oil on my scalp but other than that I use these 3 products every week.
Nails: I’m not big on nails to be honest, if they’re clean, shiny and trimmed I’m good but if I want to spice it up I’ll get them done or polish them a nude color. My favorite colors are Lady Like by Essie, Ballet Flats by Essie or ruff and tumble by sally Hansen.
Hands: I believe in hand cream! I can always tell when I person is a mess by how they maintain their hands. Rough dry, peeling hands are not the look. Invest in a cuticle oil, get a decent hand cream or lotion and maintain the skin around your nails.
Makeup pt1: Affordable makeup. I’m very simple when it comes to makeup but I do like more extravagant looks when I’m feeling adventurous... nyx butter glosses are great for women who love a nude lip gloss (recs in the first pic) add a brown liner. I love a dewy look
Makeup pt2: I’m not going to lie to you guys and say I wear a drugstore foundation because I don’t! I’m sorry they’re too heavy or too orange for me.If you have any suggestions please add it here. I use the glossier tinted moisturizer because I like light coverage.
Foot care: I 100% do my own feet at home, I file them, clip them, buff them, soak them, polish them...you get what I mean here are products I use. I use an e drill from amazon and the same Tree Hut Scrub on me feet. And I polish them to match my hands.
Weight loss: if you can’t afford the gym or just don’t want to go here’s my recommendations! Get a weighted jump rope, jumping rope burns a lot more calories than any other form of cardio, buy a yoga mat, and YouTube.
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