It’s not a real campaign.
Now, here’s “inside the Beltway “ take on how this is just smart campaign strategy by the Biden camp:
Traditional politics-as-usual people of course think Trump is running a bumbling disaster of a campaign.

Trump trolls the media & Dems, these people say “There goes Trump again, putting his foot in his mouth, hurting himself! His opponent just needs to stay quiet to benefit!”

“Wow, did you hear that stupid, needlessly inflammatory thing Trump said today? Way to step on the rake, Trump! Now Hillary lays low, the news cycle is all about the stupid thing you said.”

How’d that work out?
Now they just say it about Biden. They think this strategy WORKS against Trump.

Even though it didn’t work last time for Hillary and I highly doubt Biden decided to stay off the campaign trail 9 days so far this month as some clever strategy.
Remember, this is the homestretch, the 'sprint' part of a 2 year campaign for the Presidency. 39 days now to the election.

It is simply unprecedented that in the month of September one of the campaigns called it a day before 10 in the morning.
If the True Believers™ in the Biden campaign think he's got it in the bag, all he needs to do to win is

1) not be Trump
2) not make any big mistakes

So the low-key, low energy, brief campaigning appearances strategy makes some sense to these people.
Assuming the debate actually happens, I want you to know something:

Biden will look pale, frail, confused, and will frequently lose his temper and blow his top. When he isn't trying the fake laughter thing.

Trump will troll him and back off when it starts getting out of hand.
My current take is that something happens over the next 5 days and the Biden team blinks and cancels all of the debates.

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