Things daddy didn't teach you.

- Live alone
- Do things right
- Keep your cool
- Keep your word
- Always improve
- Fight to the death
- Be smart with women
- Outperform everyone
- Do things that scare you
- Learn to provide for yourself


Every man should experience living alone.

If you go from living with your parents, to living with a roommate, to living with your girlfriend; you’re doing it wrong.

A man needs to learn to survive on his own.

If you’re going to commit to doing something, do it right.

If not, don’t do it.

Doing something half-ass or not completing pending projects becomes a horrible habit.

Before beginning anything, promise yourself you’re going to finish and do it right.

There will come moments in life where you get tired, stressed, and angry.

Learn to keep your cool in all situations.

These emotions are part of being a man and there’s nothing wrong with them.

Your only job is to address them properly.
If you’re tired, simply get some rest.

If you’re stressed, do some cardio.

And if you’re angry, go hit a punching bag or do 100 push-ups.

A real man never gets dramatic.

A real man doesn’t break his word for anything or anyone.

The ability to keep your word is what separates the men from the boys.

People might not like you, but they’ll always respect you.

And when it comes to being a real man, respect is all that should matter.

A man should always be actively improving different areas of his life.

He should improve physically, mentally, and financially.

The whole key is to always be making some kind of improvement/progress.

But you have to do things consistently.
Laying just one brick per day will eventually build a house.

“Thinking” about a brick will get you nothing regardless how long you think about it.

If you don’t have what you want, you fight.

You do whatever necessary to get it.

You sacrifice anything and everything.

Fighting to the death means sacrificing and delaying gratification until you get what you want.

If it doesn’t kill you, you do it.

Women can either add or take away from your success.

There are 2 types of women:

1) Those who support and help you achieve goals

2) Those who push you so far away from your goals that they’ll become impossible to achieve
So instead of “getting serious” just because of her ass, choose wisely.

If you’re not careful, allowing a woman into your life just because of a physical trait can cause you many stressful moments and problems.

Boys do just enough to get by.

Men give 100% every time.

They put their heart and soul into anything they do.

Whether they work in an office, on the street, or online like me; a real man works double the time everyone else does.
If you haven’t achieved your goals and are wasting time on Facebook, you’re not behaving as a man should.

Once you’ve accomplished your goals, you earn the right to relax a little.

But you should soon be back to working and creating more success for yourself.

Having fear doesn’t make you less of a man.

What makes you less of a man is NOT facing that fear and letting it control your life.

Fear can hold you back in more ways than you’d ever imagined.

Allowing it to control you becomes an ugly habit.
You learn to walk away from your problems.

And that’s something a real man would never do.

A man fixes problems the moment they appear.

If you’re scared of heights, get on a roller-coaster.
If you’re scared of talking to women, go to the mall and say “Hi” to 10 of them.

If you’re scared of fighting, join a boxing gym and spar with other people.

No, you’re not going to die.

No, nothing bad is going to happen.

A man’s job isn’t to ask.

It’s to get resources and provide for himself.

To fully make the transition from boy to man, you need to provide for yourself.

It’s only excusable if you’re working on becoming 100% independent.
[End of thread]

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