Our next manuscript reading period will open in 1 week (NONFICTION!!!), and to promote it, we usually do a giveaway of our books. This time, bc #BlackLivesMatter even when the courts fail to charge, we're doing a fundraiser w/all proceeds going to the National Bail Fund Network.
We're auctioning off all 3 @splitlippress NF books (The Incredible Shrinking Woman, Tracing the Desire Line, and Antlers in Space) to the highest bidder at midnight on 9/27, and our EIC @suburbanprairie will match the donation: all proceeds go to the National Bail Fund Network.
Bids open at $6: thread your bid below, and LET'S GO!
(to clarify: you are bidding on the full set of 3 books, and bids must be placed before midnight 9/27, and you place a bid by adding a tweet to this thread with the dollar amt you're bidding. honor system.)
You can follow @splitlippress.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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