How to say "NO"

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Before we talk about how,
let's talk about WHY 🙌

If you are saying "YES" to everything, you are distracting yourself from being committed to one thing.
They say, "Saying yes to everything, open new doors"

And I agree.

But don't you think we already too many doors open, we just need to say no other doors and go inside one.
I cold emailed a "3 times best-selling International Author" to join  as a speaker.

His reply:
I love working with this person & this is how I said no
Few examples from the book: Tribe of Mentors - Tim Ferriss
How to say "NO":

- Be honest.
- Don't eff around (Just say it)
- Give an alternative solution.
- Be strong (If the person can't accept your no, they are probably not the right person to work or be with)
Few (how to say "NO" politely over text) liners:

- I'm honoured but I can't.

- I wish there were two of me.

- Thanks for thinking of me, but I have too much on my plate right now.

- Unfortunately, now is not a good time.
Warren Buffett once said,

"The difference between successful people and very successful people is that

very successful people say NO to almost everything."
Say "NO" and be laser focused on your goals. PEACE

I'll be writing 5 threads this whole week (one per day)

4/5 🚀🚀🚀🚀
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