Analysis: Are Mask *Mandates* associated with better population mortality or hospitalization outcomes?

Data from TN Dept of Health- sample size of 38 Counties, 17 with Mask Mandates, 21 without.

Metrics are population adjusted

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Average Cumulative Case Rate (cases/100k) for Mask Mandate Counties is 2460k/100k Residents.

Average % Positive (cumulative) for Mask Mandate Counties is 10%
For Non-mask Mandate Counties- Avg Cumulative Case Rate is 2170/100k Residents

Avg % Positive is 8%
Population Mortality for 17 Mask Mandate Sample set is

Population Mortality for 21 Non-Mask Mandate Sample is .02%
What about hospitalizations?

Are Mask *Mandates* associated with reduced hospitalization burden?
Population hospitalization rate for 17 County Mask Mandate Sample set is .13%
Population Hospitalization rate for 21 County Non-Mask Mandate Sample is .09%
To be clear- this data is about mask *mandates* - not mask usage, type of masks, frequency or place of use.

This data does not speak to the general efficacy of masks in specific settings or uses, but only the effect on population outcomes of Mask *Mandates*
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