Aight, I've seen tech Twitter do the rounds of 'git isn't github' again, but no one is actually explaining what either git or github actually are.

So, a thread about git I guess 👇
Git is a version control system. It lets you track changes in your code, and means you won't mess up if you accidentally delete something because you can always go back to a previous version.
You initialize git into an existing code repository, and then you don't have to have multiple folders for version 1, 2, 3, etc. You can just use git to track changes, and then ask git 'yo what did I change here?' or 'hey git give me back this version' when you mess up.
GitHUB is simply a website that lets you manage git repositories.

It allows you to upload your git repositories to the cloud.
GitHub needs git, but git doesn't need GitHub. You can use git entirely locally on your computer without GitHub, but in order to use GitHub (properly) you need to have git installed.
Git itself comes with lots of cool version control features, like:

🔹 Stash changes
🔹 Track changes
🔹 Work on multiple branches
🔹 Undo changes
🔹 View previous changes

and loads more
GitHub gives you added benefits, like:

🔹 Hosting your code on the cloud
🔹 A handy web UI to see things
🔹 A place where collaborators can easily view, clone, and contribute to the project
🔹 Pull requests (proposing a branch merge and getting it approved before merging)
There are other services out there similar to GitHub, like GitLab and BitBucket, but all of these services use git.

GitHub remains the most popular and is almost turning into a social network with the fact everyone has an account (and with their new personal READMEs!)
Git & GitHub work seamlessly together, and when you're learning it can sometimes be difficult to understand that they are different things. But they are, and it's important to understand what's really happening when you commit code to git or push code to GitHub!
Git is huge and there is a lot of things you can learn, and the more you know the more you'll realize you don't know. When that happens, welcome to the club 😅

(no one understands git lol)
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