presuming this is the paper, all it shows is that IVIG, a treatment for immunocompromised patients derived from blood plasma, from past years does not contain specific IgG antibodies for covid-19.

this is both highly likely and mostly meaningless.

these are specific antibodies.
they are created in response to a specific pathogen. of course they are not there.

but it's also mostly irrelevant because that is not how cross resistance to covid 19 has worked.

it's been t-cell mediated.

so this paper is looking at the wrong thing.
the evidence for t-cell mediated cross resistance is very strong and widespread. it appears to exist in 20-60% of people depending on location.

here's a solid review of numerous studies explained by dr bostom, professor at brown univ med school.
further amplifying this issue is the fact that the most effective responses have been diverse, not intense. it's about recognizing and attacking the virus from many angles.

this can ONLY be cross resistance and also bodes well for durability of immunity
a virus can mutate away from one intense response, but not from 12 different ones on different vectors. this makes claims that immunity will be short lived look deeply dubious. absolutely nothing here points to that apart from misunderstanding how antibodies work.
to claim one needs specific IgG antibodies to posses pre-existing cross resistance is like claiming that because you have never seen a 4 winged wasp before that you will not know to swat it when it lands on your arm.

of course you will.

it looks plenty like others you've seen.
this leads to another question which is "how could fauci make a mistake like this?"

this is basic, 1st year med school stuff, probably pre-med.

it would seem that either anthony does not understand the basic science here or he's deliberately trying to mislead the US senate.
i think we can dispense with the first theory.

he clearly does understand the science of t-cell based immunity.

we know this because here he is talking about it back in august.
let's highlight one specific part of that article.

this is fauci literally agreeing that there is pre-existing cross resistance from prior exposure to other corona viruses.

this is 6 weeks ago.

this seems to cast some severe doubt on the honesty of his testimony yesterday.
fauci has made & recanted an incredible # of claims here from advocating cruise ships in march to claiming herd immunity does not exist/has not been reached in NY recently.

there is no medical basis for his claims nor ability to predict them from any fundamental set of premises.
the simple fact is that almost nothing he does in public is based in science.

it's all politics to oppose trump, bolster cuomo (and old family pal), and increase his own power base.

having now been shunted to the side for clear incompetence and fear mongering, he's desperate.
he's recanting yet another set of his claims, ignoring the science, and seeking to spread fear and play politics.

frankly, it's grotesque. this has no place in health policy and his political aspirations and rancor are doing incredible harm to 100's of millions of people.
were i @RandPaul i would have some very pointed questions for this man.

1. what is this "study" you cited and how does it refute the notion of cross resistance to cov19? why have you changed your earlier position on this topic so completely?
2. how can you possibly justify claims that herd immunity has not been reached in NY?

not even a week of mass protests could stir up any sort of disease spike in NY/NJ (though they did in the US as a whole)

what are we going to call that if not community resistance?
we see the same signal is the US hospital data.

unlocking has never correlated to hospitalization, but these protests did, but ONLY in places that had not already had a major surge. places that had did not see this spike.
if you can have 40,000 people protest while packed in like sardines in NYC and create no disease spike, what's the argument that indoor dining or schools are an issue?

what is the science behind your extraordinary claim to the senate, anthony?
this charlatan has been given far too much free rein to dissemble and manipulate for political purposes as it is.

fauci knows full well that his career is over is trump wins.

and he's willing to torpedo america and lie to the senate to stop that.
can we possibly tolerate this in a health official?

can we possibly tolerate changing policy positions like a weathervane without regard to science or facts in pursuit of political advantage and career security?

this man needs to be cut off.

he's proven what he is.
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