Reading is hella fundamental. A few things for the basics.
For folx saying I should have been in school when I was arrested *as a child*, I was a high performing student with a free period. I had no class at the time. I was class president and had a 3.8 GPA. My arrest was about my race not about my behavior.
For folx saying Kamala was DA in SF not Oakland. Yes, I'm aware. I lived there lol. My point was to show an example of how the laws she championed may have harmed actual human children and communities. My point was also to show how those laws emboldened police all over CA.
Also, just in case y'all aren't aware, police officers don't ask you where you live before they decide you're a criminalized Black person. They didn't check my ID before arresting me bc they didn't care.
Lastly, Kamala became AG and only further entrenched carceral logics into the fabric of CA politics. Our families have never recovered from that.
I'm all for debating perspectives but the number of people whose primary defense of Kamala is essentially to silence other Black people and erase our experiences is truly troubling.
I've talked about this arrest for 20 years because it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. But, now that Kamala is running for VP, folx with these experiences are supposed to be quiet and act like these things never happened? GTFOHWTBS
I'm pro Black futures.

The fact that people are reading my thread about my experience with a truancy arrest as anything else (or as directly antagonistic to Kamala Harris) is a reflection on her *and* her running mate, not me.
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