I don’t wanna be a dick but I’m gonna be a dick and say I feel like furloughed people have been treated like royalty & don’t need any more benefits. Companies made people redundant all the time pre-covid, what you gonna do ask them to pay you redundancy for 1 year? Lmao
Like you’ve sat on your arse and done fuck all for 6 months already being paid full pay (in some cases). I understand you have bills to pay etc. But this happened all the time pre-covid, what do you think people did? They didn’t ask government to pay them full pay for 6 months
Shit happens and people lose their jobs everyday 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t find it fair that furloughed people have been getting so much help tbh
Also to add to this. Once covid is gone (or at least controlled). When people lose their jobs through no fault of their own, people are gonna expect the government to pay them the same as what they did throughout covid! Because they’ll have gotten so used to the help🤷🏻‍♀️
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