Breaking down a racist micro-aggression: a thread!
You see the above statement? Typical racist micro-aggression mixed with a bit of gaslighting. Let's break it down together!

"Little" - Dismisses BTS as having no real fame or relevance...even though they're speaking before the UN for the second time in two years.
They have millions of fans all over the world, have been referenced in hundreds of news articles from various reputable news sources around the world, and have a market value in the billions.

Any journalist worth their salt knows this.
"Korean" - Pay attention, kids! This is where the magic happens.

Why would the person need to bring up their ethnic origin? If I were successfully gaslighted, I'd say it shows she at least has some awareness of their ethnic origin.
In actuality, what British Karen is doing is emphasizing how insignificant she feels they are because they are from Korea as opposed to being a white Westerner like herself. She could have said "little boyband" and it would have almost been innocuous because so many adults-
tend to look down on teen idols and boy band pop.

It's the addition of Korean that drives home the TRUE source of disdain shared by this group of people. THIS is what turns it into a true racist micro-aggression.
"boy band" - attempts to belittle BTS based on their occupation. Ignores the fact that one of the most influential groups to come out of Britain, The Beatles, were a boy band. And before someone brings up "It's different, they play instruments!"

I invite you to examine-
How ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE the adults and media treated the Beatles in the beginning for playing the music they did, much of which was heavily inspired by black artists, and for daring to have a bunch of young female fans.

Sorry, history revisionists, the receipts are all there.
Also, it ignores all of the good that BTS has done in the world thanks to the various platforms provided to them through their occupation. Everything from speaking up for their generation and providing a source of comfort and inspiration to tireless charity work.
The use of "boy band" pretends that a journalist is somehow excused from doing any kind of research before making such a silly assumption.
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