At Manassas Regional Airport, getting ready to ride “Doc” - one of only two B-29 Superfortress bombers still flying out of the more than 1,600 made. @MilitaryTimes
Today will be a practice flight for the Arsenal of Democracy 75th Anniversary of victory in WWII DC flyover tomorrow.
About 70 aircraft will take part today and tomorrow, including Doc and Fifi, the last 2 flying B-29s, a B-17, B-25, P-51, P-47, P-38 and many others.
Sitting in the bombardier’s seat. Preflight check underway.
B-17 taxis to takeoff spot as part of 70-plane Arsenal of Democracy practice flight
Rare moment. The last two flying B-29s together in formation over the Virginia countryside.
A B-25 Mitchell and P-51 Mustang fighters in formation over Virginia as part of the Arsenal of Democracy practice flight
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